Experience of use Alkotox

Wanda's experience from Krakow, a review of Alkotox

I'm Wanda from Krakow. I have a young daughter, my husband died in a car accident. I work as a health person in a hospital, trying to arrange my personal life.

Family drama

My brother Zdenek was under stress and depression after his divorce from his wife. It was unbearable to watch him suffer and fall into the abyss of despair. I tried to introduce him to my work friends, but he was messy, annoyed by the little things, and just drinking with friends-neighbors lifted his mood. Artificial drunken entertainment did not lead to good, he broke dishes and destroyed furniture.

Then the heavy drinking began. It hasn't dried up in months. I sold all the home appliances from my apartment that I didn’t get to break into. He was fired.

Zdenek had blonde hair, but it began to thin out quickly. The face became gray-yellow, the eyes reddish-white, the bags under the eyes.

I had to put him in the hospital for detoxification. The condition improved for several months, but the friends got drunk again.

Healing Brother with Alcotox

Alkotox drops in a glass of water, experience using the product

I discovered on the internet that there is a new drug against alcoholism. A review of the sites showed a lot of positive feedback from customers who shared their experience about how to use the tool and the results of the app. I liked that it contains only natural plant extracts. I thought I might try, subtly add tea or compote. I ordered the product on the official website, it was delivered quickly.

We live in neighboring houses, I started coming to Zdenek in the morning and in the evening to drip Alkotox on him. The instructions for use recommend taking 8-10 drops 3 times a day, but I am at work during the day, so I gave my brother 12 drops twice a day.

Effect of Alcotox use

A week later, Zdenek's friend had a birthday. I was very afraid that my brother would go to the party again. He had not been drinking for a week at the time.

I decided to go with him. Imagine my surprise when my brother, taking the first glass, sniffed and drank quite a bit. His face was disgusted at the same time. The friends at the table were also surprised, persuading him to drink more, but he refused.

Super! I did not expect such a quick effect.

Personal life is getting better

Photograph of Brother Wanda from Krakow before and after Alkotox, experience of using drops

I decided to tell my brother the truth about drugs. In the evening, I brought him his favorite apple strudel and made tea. Zdenek was in a good mood, which I hadn't noticed for a long time since the divorce.

We had a long conversation. Zdenek realized how much I wanted happiness and success for him. He himself felt the improvement, the headaches and nausea stopped. An appetite arose, he began to smile more and joke, as in his student years.

Zdenek, learning about my imperceptible addition of drops, did not get angry, he became interested. I read the reviews, he asked me how to use the drops. He promised to drip Alkotox himself, as instructed.

I am very grateful to the drug manufacturer for getting my brother out of the bottom of the addiction. Alkotox is now always at hand in our medical office. Don’t wait for alcohol to ruin the lives and lives of your loved ones.